Doubting Descartes’ Doubt

Meditations of Descartes presents a series of arguments about a thinking thing and a God’s existence. In this essay, I will doubt his reasoning by pointing out at some fallacies. In search of a foundation of knowledge, Descartes starts from the scratch by undermining everything that he knows. He asks himself what could ground his […]

Aristotle on Infinite Motion

Aristotle starts his argument about the impossibility of the infinite motion with the statement: “Everything that is in motion must be moved by something”. Let’s consider that there is something that is not moved by something. It has the source of its motion in itself. Then, let’s imagine this thing at rest. Aristotle supposes that […]

Arguments for the existence of God

1. The ontological argument (1) Since God is conceived to be omnipotent, he is a perfect being. (2) A perfect being is defined as one whose essence or nature lacks no attributes or properties in every respect. ∴ Thus, God exists. For if God lacked the attribute of existence, he would be lacking at least […]