The Stoics on fate

By Stoics, everything happens by fate. Everything is causally determined, which is fate. Fate is the connecting cause of the things which exist, or a rational principle according to which the cosmos is arranged. Cosmos is a chain of events, a chain which is inescapable. It is determined by God. Then what I am doing […]

The Stoics on Agent Autonomy

There were two opinions of the older philosophers regarding the fate. One belonging to those men who believed that everything occured by fate in such a way that everything necessitated (The Fate Principle Argument). The others held that there were voluntary motions of the mind without fate. Chrysippus, a Greek Stoic philosopher, rejected necessity but […]

Mind-Body Problem

Philosophers has been argued for some centuries now whether minds really do act on the organisms, or whether organisms do act on the minds. Are mind and body two distinct things or they take part of the same realm? I. Dualistic Interactionism Dualistic interactionism is the position that there are mental phenomena distinct from, and […]

Free will problem

“Do we have free will?” is one of the principal metaphysical questions which philosophers are focused on. Let’s consider what we mean by free will. One can say that free will iff it is a voluntary act. In other words, we chose to do it. However, there are voluntary acts but they are not free, […]