In my paper, I will attempt to analyze national identity and lay it out as a concept that will be quite different from popular opinions. David Miller’s On Nationality (1) will be my theoretical framework, on which I will rely to develop critical questions and answers to them in the form of a monologue. The […]
In this paper, I will observe if we can apply classical ethical concepts to the whole and if humanity is able to judge its actions on a holistic realm. More precisely, I will see if Mill’s utilitarianism and Kant’s deontology can be applicable in justifying actions based on unity and integral wholeness. For this, it […]
In this argument I will fight with utilitarianism and will defend Kant’s Principle of morality. If we focus on the issue of rights, justice and fairness we can easily identify weaknesses of the utilitarianism compared to Kant’s principle. For instance, in the utilitarian society rights of the individual can be easily revoked because the main […]
Explain Mill’s “principle of utility”? Why do you think Mill feels compelled to defend it in such great detail? Mill’s “principle of utility” consists in justifying actions by producing happiness and reducing its reverse. The reason why Mill defends its “principle of utility” in such great detail is that many of those who argue against […]
(1) State and explain the first version of the categorical imperative (CI). Categorical imperative represents an action as itself objectively necessary, without regard to any further end: You ought to do X.The principle of the categorical imperative is as follows:Act only on that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it […]
In the Socratic literature, Socrates was arguably the most influential philosopher of antiquity. He did not write anything, but his influence is at the origin of the so-called Socratic literature. It’s a collection of books written by Socratic followers. By reading Socratic literature, we discover philosophy. Plato’s interpretation of Socrates is the one most familiar […]
By Aristotle, an ethical life is a rational life which should be centered around the goal understood as the good. This is the central good. There are other goods in life, such as prosperity, friendship, power, health. However, they are all pointless without the central good. This good gives the other goods their point. Aristotle […]
By Epicurus, happiness is pleasure. It is a state of the soul that is free of disturbances and the state of the body that is free of pain. There is a final goal and it’s name is ATARAXIA / TRANQUILITY. Epicurus argues that pleasure is natural. As soon as each animal is born, it seeks […]
For the Stoics, self-love is our primary motivation. It is natural for us to have a concern for ourselves, to select what is conductive to our survival and avoid what is detrimental to it. As we grow, we become increasingly aware of what is about the things that attract and repulse us. The behavior of […]